CMD Jake Hogan Unit 5 Exam
Thursday 13 January 2011
Wednesday 12 January 2011
The Inside Mail
Tuesday 11 January 2011
Final Warning Direct Mail Packaging
Monday 10 January 2011
The Packaging
Sunday 9 January 2011
Target Market Interview Feedback/ Further Advertising and Packaging
Survey Results Percentage and Feedback
After explaining my product I asked visually impaired-about 8/9 years of age about my product to get some feedback.
1. Which sense do you think is best to use to set this campaign apart from the rest?
-Smell 20%
-Touch 65%
-Taste 0%
-Sound 15%
2. Could this VIP campaign offend you in any way? If so please state why.
-Yes 0%
-No 100%
3. Is the logo too simple? Why? Why not?
-Yes 10%
-No 90%
Majority: Gets away with being memorable, simple but effective
4. Do you think this VIP logo is better than the Old One? If not why?
-Yes 75%
-No 35%
Majority: The colours you explained to me from the old logo sound too “much”
5. Does the EYE idea of the visual I’s logo work?
-Yes 90%
-No 10%
Majority: I would not have thought of that idea it seems “cool”