
Monday, 29 November 2010

Social Inclusion

To get the best out of this promotion, I need to widen the Wycombe Swan Theatre target audience by finding some way to include the disabled. Social Inclusion is where you include or give rights/ participation to a group or audience that haven't had that inclusion before, this needs to be explored if I want a product to be different or special.

From my research i have discovered that this is a large topic with most organisations today but not only in advertising, some extras included are governments and economy.
Furthermore (surprisingly to me) this can also link in with racism or social exclusion, the other side of the coin.
From this I have learned that I should consider everyone, from the family to the disabled, here with social inclusion everybody has a view or right, but to get the grade I need one relevant to the theatre and that my promotion can consider and be constructed with a purpose around and upon.

Focus- On the Target Audience

Where the main target audience would be a family or child for the Swan Theatre, I think with my promotion I could extend this target audience maybe including the visually imparied, disabled and/or the hearing impaired with a piece of digital or physical advertisement. My main goal however is to make this stimulating to the senses.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Wycombe Swan Theatre Research

The Wycombe Swan entails general plays, panto, events and parties, all in genres such as:

  • Comedy

  • Community Events

  • Dance

  • Drama

  • Family

  • Hospitality Events

  • Medium

  • Music

  • Musical

  • Circus

So there is a wide range of ideas that I can explore here, I believe I could be particularly interested in Drama, Comedy and Family Events as I these have a clear target audience of families.

One idea for a final piece may be something to do with the ideas above but also the swan, that is well known in its name and for their own advertising.

However I still need to investigate the idea of making this advetisment relate to all sorts of families of children taking into account the disabled etc.